Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Bad Guy

I now on my sixth month of metaphysical study from University of Metaphysical Sciences.
There are courses very fascinating and informative, but there are some I will procrastinate until the time that I need to do my homework. "Crystals and Gemstones" is one of them. I myself like crystals, I have several of them that I wear regularly, but I am not inclined to study further for their uses. I figure that inanimate objects will not be the essential components to elevate our level of consciousness. Ultimately, it is our own thought and attitude that is the key to enlightenment.

In an article written by Dr. Christine Breese, the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, I found the section of " Note of caution about the meditation" from "Reincarnation" course very much resonant with Dr. Jonathan Parker's
"Enlightenment Series". The following narrative from Dr. Breese serves as a reminder for me to be open, forgiving, and accommodating to myself and others in all circumstances because we are all been there, done that even if we do not consciously remember them.

----It is not unusual to remember a string of lifetimes of suffering and victimization, and then remember the "bad Guy" lifetime that started the whole process. Every one has a bad guy lifetime, if not many. It is required study on the earth plane and no one can complete the reincarnational cycle unless "Misuse of Power 101" has been taken. This might not be your favorite "class", but like most degree obtained, there are a few classes in the curriculum that aren't as fun or as pleasurable as others, and might require more perseverance to get through. You would not graduate from the earth plane with true wisdom if you had not experienced being the bad guy. You must experience the bad guy's point of view if you are to truly understand what this reality is offering to the soul. You must experience what it is like to abuse your power and free will, misuse it, and then experience the law of cause and effect in action. It is one thing to be told about the law of cause and effect, but it its quite another to experience it.----