Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Power of the Subconscious Mind--from Adrian Cooper

I receive numerous messages every week regarding the question of
the differences and significance in practical terms between
the conscious and subconscious mind.

The first thing we should always know beyond any doubt is that the
entire Universe and everything within the Universe at all levels,
all dimensions and all manifestations is "Mind". Everything,
without exception is a manifestation of the supreme Mind of The
Source, The First Cause, of "God". This Mind is infinite,
conscious, intelligent, Energy, often known simply as "Spirit".

As human beings we are individuations of Spirit, this Infinite Mind
of "God" through which "God" experiences and thereby evolves and
expands. The entire Universe is in a perpetual state of expansion
and evolution. It is important to keep in mind however that
although we are "individuations" of The Source, i.e. individuated
Energy configurations within the Universal Energy field, we are also
still integral aspects of this Energy field and therefore of God;
there is no separatedness in the Universe; everything is one.

In order to understand this better we only need look at quantum
physics which is discussed in considerable detail in Our Ultimate
Reality for this very reason.

Because the Universe is infinite intelligence of which we are all
integral aspects, Quanta of Energy are influenced by the Mind;
thought also being pure Energy. Whenever you look at a "possession"
such as a house, a car, a television set, they are in fact nothing
more or less than an arrangement of Energy, or "Quanta", ultimately
created by thought processes of the Mind. If these objects were to
be inspected very closely, it would be apparent that they are not
solid at all but are rather composed of Quanta of Energy vibrating
and moving at extremely high rates in an out of the object being

Nothing can exist permanently unless it is observed because it is
Mind that controls and shapes Quanta of Energy, and without that
focus of the Mind the Quanta would once again become a "quantum
potential" for something else. If for example everyone in the world
were to cease observing the world and everything in it, by ceasing
to focus on it's perceived existence, then everything would cease
to exist. There would be no thought Energy to maintain the illusion
of its existence anymore. This is why the Earth and everything it
comprises, as well as the entire three-dimensional Universe is
referred to in some cultures as "maya", and illusion. The Earth and
physical Universe are indeed an illusion and a grand scale, and
will one day be realised as such by all mankind once evolving
beyond the illusion of the physical Universe.

Quantum physics completely confirms this by recognising that
something can only actually come into "existence" when it is
observed. Of course "existence" is a term relative to the five
physical senses; everything that exists now has always existed and
always will exist, it is only the illusion of form that changes in
response to thought, Mind. When something is observed, Quanta come
together to form sub-atomic particles, and in turn atoms, then
molecules until finally something manifests in the physical world
as a localized space-time event that can be observed by the five
physical senses.

This process is the very basis of how each and every person creates
their own reality. Every single thought, as Energy, directly and
instantly influences the quantum field causing Quanta in the form
of Energy to arrange themselves into a localised, observable event,
object or other influence.

So where does the subconcious mind come into this?

Well quite simply in order to create our desired reality we must
focus our thoughts in order to influence the Quanta of the Universe
and bring ourselves into vibrational harmony with our desires. In
doing this the hitherto formless substance around us, the Quanta or
Spirit from which all things are made takes shape in accordance
with our thoughts, and when we come into vibrational harmony with
this formless creation it can then manifest into our physical world
as a physical manifestation where it can be enjoyed.

Where most people "go wrong" is that they have no control over this
creative process. The conscious mind, our everyday, waking mind is
heavily influenced by the demands of the ego, and seeks to filter
and logically analyse everything presented to it through thought or
any of the five senses, only allowing thoughts tp persist that are
consistent with what it considers to be "logical" and in accordance
with the materialistic demands of the ego.

This is why most people are constantly creating unwanted realities;
usually without thinking about it or realising it.

The solution therefore is to bypass the filters of the conscious
mind in order to access the extreme power of the subconscious mind.

There are three fundamental aspects to Mind; the conscious mind, the
subconscious mind and the super-conscious Mind. By impressing our
desires on the subconscious mind the subconscious mind will
interact directly with the super-conscious Mind where our thoughts
and therefore desires take shape, and then brings us into
vibrational harmony with our dsires so they can manifest into
physical, experiential reality.

We cannot experience anything unless we are in vibrational harmony
with that which we are experiencing. Everything we are experiencing
at this moment is a direct result of our thoughts and of being in
vibrational harmony with that thought experience; and this applies
equally to positive, negative or neutral experiences.

Although affirmations can be very powerful, they are often
intercepted by the logical, ego driven conscious mind, analysed and
then rejected as being "impractical". For example; we might repeat
an affirmation such as "I have a new car". The conscious mind
immediately picks-up on this and says something like "don't be
ridiculous, you are still driving that old wreck of a car". And so
it will be that you continue to perpetuate the reality of, and be
in vibrational harmony with the "old wreck of a car".

Our objectives are clear therefore. We must bypass the filters of
the conscious mind in order to "program" the subconcious mind with
our desires. The subconscious mind is sublime; that is to say it
never, ever questions anything. The subconscious mind will
willingly accept anything presented to it, intentionally or
otherwise, and bring it into reality. This is why we must be very
careful indeed about what we impress upon our subconscious mind.

This is particuarly true just before sleep at night and just after
awaking in the morning. At these times we are most closely in
communication with our subconcious mind. This knowledge can be
extremely powerful in that if we use these "windows of opportunity"
to communicate our desires to our subconscious mind, the
subconscious mind will accept them and bring them into our
experiential reality.

However, if we take to bed our worries, concerns and fears then the
subconcious mind, being sublime, will also act upon those thoughts
and bring them even more into reality. So if you go to bed at night
being worried about debts for example, you will attract more even
more debt. It is extremely important therefore to ensure that
before you sleep at night, or any other time for that matter, you
only keep in mind those thoughts that are compatible with your
desires. If this is done consciously it can be a very powerful way
of manifesting your desires.