Thursday, July 15, 2004

Dad's Auric Field clearing!

I had ordered Auric Clearing and Karmic Removal session for my dad. There is nothing much I can do for my dad's condition now. A few months back, I had opportunity to visit many websites about aura clearing and karma removal by people having remote viewing abilities. Toby Alexandria is one of those talented people. I posted one of his article about karma removal in my blog page for reference a few months earlier.

I am not surprising of many occupants and discarnates could be lingering in our energy field and constantly affecting and influencing our thoughts and our behaviors. Considering how many lifetimes that we have gone through, and the fact that we are not that much enlightened from lifetime to lifetime, we have been holding on issues, habits, attitudes eons of time. How can we break out of this wheel of life? Not a million year!

But thankfully after year 2000, a breakthrough of human evolution is in place, the veil of ignorance is lifted, we are given opportunity to clear these lower level energy field and bring in more light and love to our body, mind and spirit. This is what DNA activation does.

I hope by clearing my father's aura, removing his karma debts, he can be free and clear in his energy field before he decides to go to his next adventure. He will be uncluttered and free in spirit and be able to accomplish even more in his next incarnation whether in earth plane or in other dimension.

Today, I got a report from Toby about what he has done removing and clearing my dad's aura:
Hi Ming,

For your father's Auric Clearing session, since his chakras were so weak, at first it was difficult to make a connection. But I finally did on Sunday night and this is what I removed:

Head - 1 occupant and 2 discarnates affecting mental cognition and ability to focus.

Throat - 2 occupants and 1 discarnate representin un- expressed emotions.

Heart - 1 occupant and 3 discarnates. Much sadness and despair about missed opportunities. Practiced "tough love" with those around him because this was the way he was raised.

3rd chakra - 1 occupant - self-power and fear of the loss of it.

2nd chakra - 1 occupant - victimization consciousness

1st chakra - no occupants

Portals - 1 portal from head to heart. Affecting upper body energy and circulation.

I tried to communicate to the higher self about the transition process and how you can "die well". There is a process that the ancients used where they would pull all of their energy and chakras into a ball in their chest and then push this consciousness out the crown chakra to whatever plane they wanted to go to when the body died or even when they were ready. I tried to communicate this telepathically and I'm sure on some level, he understood.

I'm sure that this session will help him with rapidly transitioning to his next adventure and I wish him the best. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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