Wednesday, March 31, 2004

A spiritual junkie

Today, I got a call from Visionary Music (Linda) responding to my message from yesterday. The music is supposedly to activate your DNA stream. Sound Intriguing! I am willing to give it a try. I sometimes feel like I am a spiritual junkie. I am contantly seeking out esoteric teaching, having read many metaphysical books relating to Astral Travels, Lucid Dreams, meditation and all kind of inner experiences.

No one will believe that I can be so full of excitement just by getting a book from a library. Come to think about it, I believe my path to enlightenment will be by meditation ,contemplation and gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom. But I also do not forget that all the knowledge and wisdom that I gain ultimately is to transcend the physical limitation and to experience my spiritual self, my true essence.

Daily living is a test to see how well I have applied my learning. For the last two weeks, I have encountered the situation in my work that I could have been bitter and blame other people for the difficulty that I have gone through or about to go through. But I have come to my senses that I am fully responsible for what have happened to me regardless the situation. I have maintained a positive composure toward myself and the people involved, I even love them and bless them for they are my teachers. With this thought I know I have transcend my ego consciouness for the moment.

Since I have walked this path, I found myself battling between my God Consciousness and my ego consciousness almost constantly. But I shall say the God Consciousness are the winner most of the time and I found that It is getting easier and easier to think of others as myself. After all, my goal is to achieve cosmic consciousness, one with God and one with all beings.