To add another dimension of my spiritual growth, I am trying to induce out-of body experience at will. So far, it is not very successful. I have many spontaneous out of body experiences, but I have no control of the content. To explore our inner world is to explore our true identity. We need not experience death to know we are not our body. The knowing that we can go anyplace, do anything and learn our true mission in life in split seconds are enough for me to want to explore that realm of existence. It is fascinating.
I remember the first time that I have OBE was when I was meditating with Holosync technology tape. After that I have the experiences either with or without tapes. That was such a mind boggling experiences that I abandoned the tape being very afraid. But just like everything else in life, the more you experience the more you get used to it. Then later on , I read many books about it and discovered that it is a genuine spiritual practice for many meditators and yogis. Not only that, some people can will themselves to different places, many dimensions, witness past events and even project into future. That was so exciting that I hardly can contain myself. I have so much to learn and and so much to grow into. The world of physical dimension is not it appears to be any more. There are so much more than the eyes that you can see and the ears that you can hear. I am totally blown away by the prospect of mastering the OBE. Well, I will be experimenting and be patient.