"A dream with an embarrassing scenario"
Last night I practiced the technique of lucid dreaming. I went to bed at around 12:00pm, set an alarm to wake up at 4:00am, then I read a book called " Recovering Soul" for about 15 minutes. But I had trouble sleeping after that. I did have a very bizzare dream. I am sure I was not conscious and aware because I would have reacted very different if I knew this was a dream. I couldn't even mention this dream in this journal because it was too weird and a bit embarrassing. I have contemplated the dream scenario, hoping to understand the message it bring. I believe it was some kind of subconcious testing. During the scenario, I was able to focus on what he was trying to tell me instead of being annoyed by his unexpected behavior.
Since I did not sleep too well, today I felt I have developed flu symptom. I tried to fend off by taking Advil, vitamin c and cough drops. I decided to take it easy tonight.