Today is what so called good Friday. Our company let us go home by 2:30pm instead of regular 5:00pm. I skipped lunch and went straight to listen to the DNA Activation 1 soundscape.
For the last two weeks or so, I have been trying to solve a problem at my work. The Newmans Own account that has problem was never clean and clear from the start about three years ago. I have been contemplating and have done many soul searching, the account in General Ledger was never balanced with the Aging amount. So, there are elements were missing and Accounts Receivable person that booked the entries was also had no clue. Until about a week ago that I carefully observing the in's and out''s of the monthly entries, and then I discovered the incorrect booking in general ledger that will never balance with aging, not even in a million years.
I then set out a learning and teaching lessons for myself and for that person. After collaborating with that person back and forth many times, finally March's journal entries appear to be clean and correct. I then worked on March's reconciliation, and yet, something was still wrong. What was the problem???? My deadline for solving and booking the entries was Wednesday 5:00pm, and yet It was 11:00 am Wednesday morning. After looking at it again and again, manipulating some numbers, I finally believe it was time to give myself a break. So, I went to bathroom, relaxed myself and said some prayer as I usually did. After about 10 to 15 minutes, I got up and walked out of the bathroom. The incredible thing was that after sitting on my chair about less than 5 minutes, I cleared up some numbers and put in some numbers then, Bang!! It is balanced.
The whole scenario was quite a learning experience. I now have a good understanding of how this account work. I was truly happy, it was as if a huge, 10 pounds stone just fell out of my shoulder. Beautiful!
I heard that the astral journey can be used to solve our daily problem, so about more than a month ago, I was praying to have astral travel experience so that I can see the missing pieces of Newmans Own account, but no astral travel experiences all this time, at least not for me, it did not happend the way I thought it would happen. I had to probe into the detail account of each entries, taking each little pieces and patched them together to gain understanding. I suddenly realized the one of the most important elements of successful living: pay attention to detail. By not paying attention to detail as I have done before, I would not have learned and solved the problem.
Yes, when we look at the beautiful flower, not a pedal is missing, every pedal is carefully placed in its wonderful position. Most of us do not examine flower so closely, but I sometimes will look at a blossomed flower closely, I know there is a presence of intelligence in every one of the pedal. There is God presence permeate in all living and non-living beings. In science there is a saying that everything has consciousness to some degree, even non-living things. Incredible!