Monday, July 26, 2004

Dad's Karmic Removal Session

Dad's Karmic Removal Session!

The following is the Karmic Removal session Toby Alexandria has done for my father:

Before the session I asked Toby to ask my father's higher self of any possible unresolved issues that could be the causes of his lingering on this earth plane. If we know them, we might be able to do something to release him from the bondage.

What I found out from the following session is that my father may be engaging in purifying process. By suffering he is purifying himself of what he did wrong, this is what so called "walking the karma". The state of being is purified of karma debt.

The other reason is much more urgent. My father is actually fearful of what might happen after his passing over. I am going to chant mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" for my father, hopefully I can mentally communicate to him that after his karma resolved, aura cleared, he is now free and clear. There is no need of any fear of passing over. The heavenly worlds of one million times more wonderful and beautiful is waiting for him to explore.

Subject :
Re: Karmic session- Hua Ping Chen

Hi Ming,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I've been trying to gather more information from your father regarding unresolved issues. During the Karmic Session, I was shown many issues having to do with guilt and self-judgment and I believe that now he feels that he is punishing himself for things that he thinks he did wrong. I removed all of the past ids of guilt and worked on his heart and throat chakras for most of the session to allow him to let go, forgive himself and others, as well as try to own his experiences in this lifetime as wisdom.

I don't think he is staying on this plane because of unresolved issues. It's more about being uncertain and fearful as to what will happen once he passes over. It's difficult because I can't really spiritually educate him by doing these sessions - although I wish I could. I can just
clean up his energy and karma as much as possible so that when he does drop the body, he won't have to go through the same things in the next incarnation.

And that's what I did in the Karmic Session - ask to see the highest priority miasms and transmute them up the levels and out of his manifestation template. There was some disappointment and bitterness that also came up and this seemed to be family related. These ids took a long time to totally release and the energy was very thick. I know that his higher self was showing me the most important things to work on, and I feel like the session was very profound.

I hope that everything works out for him in the best way possible and that everyone in the family is in peace.

Kindest regards,

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