Friday, November 18, 2005

I must be in a dream - cell phone as a dream sign

I checked in a hotel. The next morning, While I was walking on the lobby, I suddenly heard an announcement through intercom, "James will not have... class this morning. The class has been cancelled". Well, I heard James name. I said to myself, I need to call James to let him know.

I searched in my purse and found my cell phone. I quickly used my normal voice command to dial. Well, it did not have any response, so I manually dialed it again, still no dial tone. I then found that cell phone looked strange; there was a Viking Marking on it. It did not look like my phone. When I looked a little closer and the cell phone turned into an old worn black shoe. And all this time I was holding a worn shoe? How strange! I remember I brought a cell phone with me. So, I searched my purse again, now I touched my cell phone. Instantly I felt relieved that I did bring my cell phone.

I took the phone out and it looked more like a camera than a phone. At that instant, I said to myself, "I must be in a dream, I am in a dream". At the same time, I also realized that I will be late to work, I need to get up now. I got up fully awake. It was 10 minutes later than my usual get up time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Well Ming Chen interesting post. I was looking for Info on lucid dream and I came across your site and while this post wasn't an exact match i was most interested to read what you had to say. I was looking for lucid dream infomation, I glad I came across your site I'll visit again sometime.
